Magyar az, aki aktívan tesz valamit, bármit, akármit a magyarság megmaradásáért! Mindenki más csak valami más, bármit is állítson magáról..

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Social Responsibility





War is the art of deception. All wars are based on deception, so many things are not what they show themselves to be or what they are shown to be.

 There is always war and You somebody always wants to decepts you and you are always deceived in something. Be critical and looking for the true from more sides

Trianon 04. jun. 1920.:

You must see this:


"The key to social peace is if ethnicity covers the concept of nation!"

Vladimir Yevgenyevich Zhabotinsky

The key to  unrest and disagreement and division is for the nation to be made up of different ethnic groups and communities of origin. That is, the multicultural society!

Liberals, leftists, fake right-wingers, mass immigrants are panders of the killers (global elite, mostly Jews)!

The normal person thinks in a nation and community, so in a kind of National Socialism:

Who omits or swaps this conglomeration does not do it out of good will, but out of evil! Evil is easy to recognize! Evil use the hasbara!

The perception of the (elite) Jews is continuous because they are  partly parasitic, but mostly predatory group. The Jews go into the land of others and then they do not want to assimilate, but take power and then exterminate the natives. They need constant subversion for this. They are behind every subversion as well. 

White superiority? Ha, ha, ha!

The Jews are in position, not the whites!

The solution for the jewish problem:

Jews have to assimilate or to go to their own country. We must limit the wealth! The global elite must be abolished!


The Jewish problem:

Any ideology that promotes domination over other people and their destruction must be banned! Let's ban the Jewish religion!





1. You can make a video in any topic . 

2.You must mix the this with censored political content.

3. You can upload your this risky video in to google drive (Google drive is free storage 15Gb!) or similar. 

4. You can make a link to this video in the google drive or other cloud. 5.You can make a free webpage (blogspot is free - LOL) also, here you can collect this links. 

6. You can upload your video and your webpage promo to Youtube. 

7. You can make a link under youtube video in the comment and description section. 

8. Your webpage can be promote also on Youtube, forums, etc.

9.  Later: We must storige our videos and censored political content on  own computer. 

10. We will be able to link to these video files and those will be available through our website. (Similar to CC File Transfer software) 

11. We can leave the youtube. 

12. We punish very hard the elit and censors!

Covid 19 - is fraud:

You must wach this:

The Holocaust:

"In a democracy, liberty for history is liberty for all."

1. History is written by the victors (Jews).

2. Our historical knowledge constantly expands, so from time to time,  because of new information need to be reviewed the old theories. This is  the historical revisionism.

3. Why is it that the Holocaust of Jews is not only encountered in history books, but also is still a daily political topic and poisoning public life?

Many argue that the Zionists use the Holocaust as an economic and mostly political weapon!

4. But if so, why can they use it as a political weapon? Because it is distinguished from the suffering of other peoples. With the number of victims on the one hand, and the gas chambers on the other, the Jews place their Holocaust above all genocide!

That is why these two issues are so important!

These two items went through too tremendous changes so far also.

For example:


News 08.01.1948. : Auschwitz has 300 thousand victims

on slab the number is four million at the camp monument by 1990:

Then reduced to 1.5 million:

but the total number of victims is 6 million left...

6-3=6 ...

According to official figures from the International Committee of the Red Cross, the total number of deaths in the camps is 271,301:

About gas chambers:

According to the confessions of the perpetrators and the statements of eyewitnesses, it was considered proven for 15 years that there were gas chambers in Buchenwald, Bergen-Belsen, Dachau, Mauthausen and Ravensbrück, among others.

Then on August 19, 1960, the “Die Zeit”. Martin Broszat, a staff member (later director) of the Institute for Contemporary History in Munich, stated:

"Jews or other prisoners were not killed with gas in Dachau, Bergen-Belsen or Buchenwald"

Since then, no one has even claimed that working gas chambers were in these camps. On one gas chamber is writed in Dachau that It did not work!

Question! Did Holocaust advertisers lie for 15 years? How were 

 this possible?    Are they telling the truth now?

The Leuchter report

Leuchter was asked to be an expert in defense in an Holocaust (more precisely gas chamber) denial lawsuit.

Leuchter did not politicize, did not deal with the Holocaust, believed in the existence of gas chambers until he began his investigations! Not only did it examine the cyan content of the walls, as Zyklon-B, the insecticidal (lice) deadly gas that was also used in the camps against the typhus epidemic, formed a blue layer on the walls, but it was undoubtedly the most important. He made a mistake in the study in some places, but compared to the control sample, where less gas was used (lice writing) than in the gas chamber, he came to the conclusion that there were not gas chambers.

The Zionists, in general, do not deny allegations if they do not know it, but the person of their enemy! So it is with Leuchter.

Leuchter (if I know well He is half a Jew) didn’t really have a degree, but he designed gas chambers and since he made a living from it, it proves he understood them. He was a recognized professional! Not only did he build all the gas chambers in the US, he was also responsible for their maintenance!

Leuchter was called a “professional engineer”. When he submitted his report on the Auschwitz execution gas chambers to the Toronto court, the Zionist lobby attacked him and accused him of carrying his title illegally because he did not have a college or university degree. The Massachusetts State Chamber of Engineering, on the other hand, has certified that it rightly bears the title because if someone has been working in the profession at the appropriate level for 10 years, it is equivalent to a college degree.

Afterwards, of course, the Zionists achieved it, that He was arrested him in Germany in the 90s for denying Holocaust, as did his followers, but professionally no result was made that refuted the fact that there were not enough cyan marks on the walls of the gas chambers!

The expert opinion of Krakow

In response to the Leuchter report, the Krakow Institute of Forensic Medicine also conducted an investigation. However, the Kraków people deliberately used an analytical method that could only detect water-soluble cyanides. The water-insoluble, long-stable iron cyanide compounds detected by Dr. James Roth were simply ignored by the Krakow Institute.

As the cyanide content cannot be determined in the masonry of the Auschwitz gas chambers by the Krakow method, the results of this study are not suitable to refute the Leuchter report. If Krakow scientists are unaware of the difference between persistently stable and water-soluble cyanide content, they will face charges of gross professional error. If the difference is also known at the Krakow Institute of Forensic Medicine, then the Krakow study should be seen as a simple attempt at misleading. 

The Rudolf study:


Comparing the cyanide content of masonry in different buildings is a scientifically flawless method to prove or disprove mass murder with Zyklon B. This follow-up was started by chemist Germar Rudolf in 1993 as part of his doctoral dissertation in the field of inorganic chemistry at the Max-Planck Society in Munich.

In his work, which was initially highly praised by his mentor, Rudolf arrives at the same result as Fred Leuchter: High cyanide concentrations in clothing disinfection chambers and only traces of cyanide in gas chambers where millions of people have been poisoned with hydrogen cyanide. The study also examines the issue of openings in great detail and concludes that these openings were made after the war. In his study, Rudolf also discusses the cyanide gas release relationships of Zyklon B and concludes that either the testimony at the time of gasification is not true or that the special commando then entered the gas chamber without a gas mask and protective equipment.

But then something strange happened to the young, overly curious Germar Rudolf: At the complaint of the German Central Council of Jews, the head of the Max-Planck Society was immediately dismissed as a doctoral student of recognized authority who had no criminal record and no political activity.

Shortly afterwards, Germar Rudolf was sentenced to 14 months unconditional (!) Imprisonment for agitation against the community (Volksverhetzung) for drawing erroneous conclusions from his methodologically correct scientific work. With this, Germar Rudolf, a certified chemist, was the first scientist after the war to be prosecuted for an allegedly flawed doctoral dissertation. At the court hearing, Rudolf asked an independent expert to repeat his investigations to prove the mistake he was accused of. This request for proof was denied with reference to the obviousness of the Holocaust. (German law allows a request for the taking of evidence to be refused if one of the parties requests proof of obvious things. This is because the evidentiary procedures are not used to prolong the duration of litigation indefinitely if one of the parties requests proof of obvious facts. however, the court will disclose if new, hitherto unfamiliar allegations have been made - regardless of their veracity - so the German court has illegally instructed Rudolf's defense to do so.) But the findings of the Rudolf study have not been refuted to date !!!! !!!

Though Rudolf asked him to repeat his measurements, but they refused to do so! I wonder why not?

You can see more questions in this shocking documentary:

The Jewish Defense League (JDL — which is a terrorist organization) sent a death-threatening letter to David Cole and the filmmaker family. For this reason, he was  withdrawn his views in front of the internet public in a not very convincing statement. 

And this film generates a lot of new questions:


Zionist technique:

Ukraine-Russia war:

War in Palestine:

Vörösmarty Mihály: SZÓZAT

Hazádnak rendületlenűl
Légy híve, oh magyar;
Bölcsőd az s majdan sírod is,
Mely ápol s eltakar.
A nagy világon e kivűl
Nincsen számodra hely;
Áldjon vagy verjen sors keze;
Itt élned, halnod kell.
Ez a föld, melyen annyiszor
Apáid vére folyt;
Ez, melyhez minden szent nevet
Egy ezredév csatolt.
Itt küzdtenek honért a hős
Árpádnak hadai;
Itt törtek össze rabigát
Hunyadnak karjai.
Szabadság! itten hordozák
Véres zászlóidat,
S elhulltanak legjobbjaink
A hosszu harc alatt.
És annyi balszerencse közt,
Oly sok viszály után,
Megfogyva bár, de törve nem,
Él nemzet e hazán.
S népek hazája, nagy világ!
Hozzád bátran kiált:
"Egy ezredévi szenvedés
Kér éltet vagy halált!"
Az nem lehet hogy annyi szív
Hiában onta vért,
S keservben annyi hű kebel
Szakadt meg a honért.
Az nem lehet, hogy ész, erő,
És oly szent akarat
Hiába sorvadozzanak
Egy átoksúly alatt.
Még jőni kell, még jőni fog
Egy jobb kor, mely után
Buzgó imádság epedez
Százezrek ajakán.
Vagy jőni fog, ha jőni kell,
A nagyszerű halál,
Hol a temetkezés fölött
Egy ország vérben áll.
S a sírt, hol nemzet sűlyed el,
Népek veszik körűl,
S az ember millióinak
Szemében gyászköny űl.
Légy híve rendületlenűl
Hazádnak, oh magyar:
Ez éltetőd, s ha elbukál,
Hantjával ez takar.
A nagy világon e kivűl
Nincsen számodra hely;
Áldjon vagy verjen sors keze:

Kölcsey Ferenc: HUSZT



Bús düledékeiden, Husztnak romvára megállék;

Csend vala, felleg alól szállt fel az éjjeli hold.

Szél kele most, mint sír szele kél; s a csarnok elontott

Oszlopi közt lebegő rémalak inte felém.

És mond: Honfi, mit ér epedő kebel e romok ormán?

Régi kor árnya felé visszamerengni mit ér?

Messze jövendővel komolyan vess öszve jelenkort;

Hass, alkoss, gyarapíts: s a haza fényre derűl!


Cseke, 1831. december 29.

It will continue soon...