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Types 3


I think  the membrane (diaphragm) thermoacoustic engines are the most powerful, because from the quantity moved of the gas by power piston  and from its energy goes more through the regenerator than with the Tashe engine. 

Aktive Membrane Thermoacoustic Engine!

The Active Membrane Thermoacoustic engine is currently the best thermoacoustic engine in the world! 

This is the most powerful this engine. Coaxial configuration by T K motors:

Another engine by Dude007:

How to make a more powerful engine?
What can you see in Dude007's video? Use a giant syringe as a plunger. The higher the compressors, the more powerful the engine will be. This plays a big role in atmospheric pressure machines. In pressurized machines, however, there is pressure anyway. With a giant syringe piston and a core you can go above 1W. With two cores, much more, but that would really require a huge piston...


In the thermoacoustic engines the function of the membrane is for the wave to pass through it, but it stops the flow. I differently use the membrane, actively, it participates in the operation of the engine as a displacer. This not only stops the flow of Gedeon, but also makes the engine much stronger.

This engine also has several configurations, but generally the resonator is close to the cold side of the regenerator:

The beginners version, I recommend building this first, although in the basic case it is very weak, but very workable. This is similar, but much easier to draw energy from the upper membrane. Although the machine is so very functional, but very weak. However, if you can get a 25mm wide tube, it will be amplified with it, and an output above 0.1 Watt is also available.:

Here it is very important that you connect the pipes in this way!

Same configuration with turbine:

How does It work?
The basis of its operation is that the regenerator is a resistor to the gas, and the pressure wave thus first moves the membrane and then it transmits the gas through the regenerator with a phase delay.




The strongest configuration: 
The wider the regenerator, the  power of the machine will multiply. Above a regenerator with a diameter of 10 cm2, the machine is already quite powerful as LTD and HTD. Since heat exchange cannot be well solved for a tube wider than 25-30mm wide, several tubes can be used, but it is important that the configuration is symmetrical and the bypass is not wider than the resonator, although this needs further investigation. The power of this engine for some reason not prevailed with a powermembrane on HTD, just with a gas piston or LTD!

My suspicion is that if we are talking about the multi core machines, it throws the machine roughly up to two cores with both the mechanical and the air power piston, but in the case of 3-4 mags, it continues to higher the performance only with the air power piston,   and not the mechanical power piston . I think it's because there will be more air in the machine due to more cores, and therefore the power piston has to make a larger amplitude and move more air. This is not a problem with an air power piston, the machine blows better, but with a diaphragm power piston, the movement of the diaphragm is limited and it cannot move the air volume properly.  I wanted or want to make a machine is that it has an air piston, so there is no limit, it delivers a lot of force, but next to the air piston, a generator diaphragm vibrates, so it does not need  to use a turbine, and you can still use the vibrating generator. Of course, it could also be a solution if I increased the width of the membranes, but that is more questionable.

(Use an 80mm mason jar lid and make the membrane more tense. Find the right lenght of the tube! The starting length should be 1.5 meters!)


In this video, the middle hybrid engine:


Membrane and Mass Thermoacoustic Engine ( M + M TE):

The basis of its operation is that the mass on the inner membrane  has a bigger momentum, so the membrane system  is in a phase delay of 90 degrees relative to the power membrane (mechanical rezonator).

